A cappella
Go Fish is an a cappella trio. That's one of the things that makes them unique. Jamie Statema says, "After attending
a concert with two a cappella groups, The Blenders and the Nylons, I discovered the base of the sound I was looking for and
added loops and beats so it could be my own brand of music. The goal was to make the one CD that people of all ages could
agree to play in the car. Doing just vocals and percussion was the thing I thought would work and it's rewarding to see the
concept become a successful reality."
Well, that's about all I have to say. Thanks for visiting my site. I update frequently, so check back soon.

Site Updates:
July 20, 2008: There's nothing much to report. I changed the music on the home page to "American Kid." Enjoy. :)
November 20, 2007: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been pretty busy. I have changed the background music to "Christmas
With a Capital 'C'". I have also added a page dedicated to the song. The News section is updated.
February 18, 2006: I have changed the background music on the homepage to "Snooze". I have also updated in "News".
The last thing I did was ad a "Don't Click Here" button on the homepage. But be careful. It takes you to a different
January 16, 2006: I'm sorry I forgot December's update. *gets booed* Anyway, I changed the music on the home page to "Infectious".
I also added a link in "Related Links". I'll remember to update in Feburary.
Novermber 27, 2005: I am so sorry for not updating soon! But I have a good excuse! *dodges flying fruit* Ok, maybe it's
not that good. I've just been so busy for the last few months. I promise from now on I will update at least once a month.
I changed the song on the home page to "Go Tell it on the Mountain". I added a new section, "News". I added a lot of
pictures. That's all. I'll update soon!
June 14, 2005: I added some more affiliates. I changed the background music to "Happy Little Corner".
May 6, 2005: I added another link under "Unrelated Links" in "Realted Links".
May 1, 2005: I added a link under "Unrelated Links" in "Realted Links".
April 24, 2005: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been busy. The song on the main page gas been changed to
"What Mary Didn't Know". I also have added a section called "Unrelated Links" under "Related Links".
March 19, 2005: The background music on the homepage has been changed to "Superstar".
March 14, 2005: The background music on the homepage has been changed to "Cry In the Rain".
March 4, 2005: The background music on the homepage has been changed to "What A Great Day". I have also added the
song, "Thank You Very Much", to the background of "About Me".
February 26, 2005: I changed the background music on the homepage to "The Ten Commandment Boogie".
February 25, 2005: I added some codes for fanlistings at the bottom of the homepage.
February 21, 2005: "Sash" has been added. I also changed the site's layout. Doesn't it look cool?
February 18, 2005: The background music on the homepage has been changed to "Be That Way".
February 17, 2005: I added some cool new pictures in the "Pictures" topic!
February 12, 2005: The background music on the homepage has been changed to "That A cappella Sound".
Febuary 6, 2005: I added two new links in "Related Links". Be sure to check them out!
February 3, 2005: The music in the background of the home page has beeen changed to Go Fish's 'theme song', "Go Fish".
January 29, 2005: The section, "You're My Little Girl" is done. I also added a link to my meassage board in "Related
January 24, 2004: One of Go Fish's songs, "Superstar", has been added to the background of the homepage. "The
Hand Song" has been added to the background of "Pictures". Stay tuned for more updates!
January 23, 2005: The site is officially open!
